Saturday, February 25, 2006

OW! My Leg!

I had a dream that I was at work and Bill R. had come back to fix the internet problems we have been experiencing. While he was sitting at my computer, I reach down and feel my leg. I can totally feel a tendon or ligament or something sitting on top of the muscle mass on my right thigh. I tell Audrey and Sandy, "I've never had this before, what the heck?"

Straightening out my leg, the tendon snaps to the other side of my knee and becomes really tight. I scream out, it was very painful. Very carefully, I work the tendon back to my knee, slip it over, and bend my knee again. That's when I notice the bruise sitting there, and the veins going out away from there. Audrey starts to tell me "That's damage right there, you've damaged it somehow." By now, Bill is sitting in the corner type furiously away on a laptop computer.

I look up at Bill, then wake up.


Blogger Jessica said...

I wonder if you had a charlie horse while sleeping.

1:32 PM  

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