Monday, May 19, 2008

Dress Code

I had a dream last night that I was working for a man who had an obvious attraction for me.

I was wearing a white tube top type dress with black, high heeled strappy sandals. Apparently I had asked him in the dream if it was against the rules to wear the sandals. His arms were wrapped around me squeezing me to him and he was physically aroused.

In the dream, it didn't bother me in the slightest. Once I woke up it completely creaped me out.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Crazy Woman

I dreamed a woman was chasing me, trying to kill me. I had a gun, some kind of a handgun, and I had turned as she ran through a doorway and shot at her. I could see the bullet flying through the air, losing speed, and finally falling on the ground about 10 feet before her. Terrified, I yelled to her "don't shoot, I'm pregnant!" For some reason, she quit shooting at me.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Gold Full Size Sedan

I dreamed that Dianne Keaton lived in my house.

I had entered her house and stole a picture of a man and a woman on their wedding day along with several other pieces of paper. She had caught me red handed in the act.

Bolting for the car, the gold colored sedan, I hurried out the driveway and down the road only to discover a traffic jam of some sort. Pulling a U-turn, I was forced to drive back past Dianne Keaton and turn on to M-32. The car had absolutely no get up and go, I looked into the side mirror and discovered Dianne was running right next to the car, directly to the left of me.

On the steering wheele was a button that I had only just discovered. I hit the button and prayed it would speed up.

I woke up.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Troubled Sleep

I did not sleep well last night.....

I first dreamed that Charlie, Zachary, Thomas and I were on a raft somewhere in the middle of nowhere. The water was dead calm, the air was cool and moist, fog was thick. I had a sense we were in extremely deep water, and for some reason, I just knew the water did not contain oxygen and if you fell in the water you would sink to the bottom.

Charlie had begun leaning on the raft for some reason, he had reached into the water. In my dream, Thomas appeared as he did when he was 2 years old, able to walk around and talk but very much a tiny little guy with chubby arms and fly away hair.

As Charlie had leaned over Thomas tumbled into the water sinking immediately. Instinctively, I jumped into the icy cold water and clutched him to me then swam back up to the surface. I told Charlie he had to stop what he was doing because Thomas had fallen into the water, I was afraid.

He didn't stop.

While I was still in the water Thomas had fallen again into the water, sinking immediately. In my dream I dove into the water, barely able to see his tiny little form drifting down, and grabbed his arm pulling him back up to the surface.

At this point I woke up, scared.

I was awake for quite a while after this, more then an hour I would assume, even though I hadn't looked at the clock. My eyes were heavy, but I just couldn't sleep.

At some point I did drift off.....

I was living in a house trailer and Charlie had come down the hallway to wake me up. He was standing before me as I lay in bed and he told me to get ready something was going to happen. As he said this in the dream, the real life Charlie had walked up to me while I slept and woke me up.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dr. Phil, a Pool, Me in a Bikini

Name 3 things that you never thought would go together, ever?

Just before I woke up this morning I dreamed that I was sitting poolside on a slatted chair wearing a bikini. Thankfully in the dream, I had a somewhat bikini friendly body.

Dr. Phil and the HR manager where I work were sitting side by side in the pool, Dr. Phil talking about how it had been a week since he had been sexually active.

For the life of me, I can't understand why I had found this so humorous in the dream, but I had begun laughing so hard I was literally snorting.


In real life, I have never snorted while laughing.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Surrogate Milk Supplier

I had the most bizaar dream last night, I dreamed that I was a nurse maid for Jessica's baby.

I literally can't believe I would dream something like that. It shocks me.

Worse yet, in a portion of my dream, Jessica, her baby, and I were all sleeping in this great big bed.

Monday, November 20, 2006

A Canoe, a River, a Boy

I dreamed that Charlie, Thomas, and I were all canoeing down a narrow river last night. I was scared, the river was swift but really dirty for some reason. I had looked intently at the river bottom and seen snakes coming out from the sand.

Thomas had fallen in at this point, and, although the river wasn't deep, I was scared.

I climbed out of the canoe, silt and soft mush squished between my bare toes. I was afraid of the snakes, and crying. Charlie had kept canoeing downstream, leaving me there, holding Thomas.

I called out to him, I wanted him to come back and get us. He said I would have to walk downstream a ways, he wasn't stopping. I placed Thomas on the bank of the river and tried to climb out, but I was crying too hard. I couldn't get out of the river.
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