Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Cruise Ship

I had a somewhat restless night last night. I hate it when it is hard for me to stay asleep, I feel like crap the next day.

I did happen to have a dream about taking a cruise. I was in a cabin with a few other people, they were standing and chatting but I was lying flat on my back in the center of a bed.

I felt the boat lurch forward and commented to the other occupants in the cabin that we must have taken off from port. One lady was holding a glass of wine, a man was staring down at me smiling.


Blogger Jessica said...

Last night I dreamt I drank half a beer before remembering that I was pregnant.

12:49 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I checked it out at Freaky Dreams, and they said, "Words like beer: Small business loss." Didn't focus on the pregnant part at all!

Last night (this comment is a day older than the first comment I left) I dreamt that I finally felt the baby kick for the first time. This, of course, is nothing like real life, where I haven't felt anything remotely like a kick.

What did Freaky Dreams have to say about it? "Words like baby: Happiness. Rebirth. Trust. Words like time: Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self."

4:11 PM  

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