Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dr. Phil, a Pool, Me in a Bikini

Name 3 things that you never thought would go together, ever?

Just before I woke up this morning I dreamed that I was sitting poolside on a slatted chair wearing a bikini. Thankfully in the dream, I had a somewhat bikini friendly body.

Dr. Phil and the HR manager where I work were sitting side by side in the pool, Dr. Phil talking about how it had been a week since he had been sexually active.

For the life of me, I can't understand why I had found this so humorous in the dream, but I had begun laughing so hard I was literally snorting.


In real life, I have never snorted while laughing.



Blogger Teriana said...

But in real life, would have have laughed at someone for not being sexually active for a week? Or would you say, "A week? That's nothing. I could do a week standing on my head...Sometimes I have."

11:48 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

In real life, I would have been completely embarrassed and changed the conversation entirely. LOL!

11:27 AM  

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